North Luzon Renewables extends help to indigenous communities in Ilocos Norte
AC Energy subsidiary North Luzon Renewables mobilized relief efforts for the Yapayao community in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
To help indigenous people overcome the challenges, NLR donated 2,110 kilos of rice to the Yapayao tribe in Pagudpud. The donations were personally received by Caunayan and Dampig council of elders.
Ben Wallace in his book The Changing Village Environment in Southeast Asia, identifies the Yapayao, also known as the Apayao or the Iapayao, as a subgroup of the upland minority population of Apayao/Isneg, who migrated from the mountain province of Kalinga-Apayao to their present locations in Ilocos Norte.

Basiag Domingo, one the elders of the Yapayao tribe in Brgy. Dampig, receives rice donations from Raymond Sesuca, External Stakeholder Manager of North Luzon Renewables.

Rice donations to the Yapayao tribe in Brgy. Caunayan, Pagudpud are received by one of the tribal elders, Normerto Palaganas (in yellow, 3rd from left) and tribe secretary Rhea Lorenzo (left).
North Luzon Renewables has supported scholars from the Yapayao tribe as part of its Scholarship and Youth Leadership Development Program. Some students are also beneficiaries of the Brigada Eskwela and Balik Eskwela activities.
Aside from the assistance given to the Yapayao tribe, NLR also donated rice and local produce to other partner communities. The company purchased 1,400 kilos of rice and almost 1,900 kilos of fruits and vegetables for the frontliners of its host barangays. “While our company makes sure that we are able to supply electricity to the Luzon grid at this crucial time, we also recognize opportunities to help and protect our various partners in the community,” says Gabby Mejia, NLR President and CEO. “By buying from our local farmers, we helped minimize their risk of exposure to COVID-19 because they didn’t have to go far to sell their produce. At the same, we were able to provide fresh and nutritious provisions to our frontliners in health centers and hospitals, the Bureau of Fire Protection, and the Philippine National Police. It is part of our company’s commitment to ensuring that our programs are inclusive and responsive to the needs of our partner communities,” Mr. Mejia adds.
To further support the medical frontliners, North Luzon Renewables also endorsed 50 gallons of alcohol for the district hospitals in Pagudpud through the Office of the Vice Governor. The company will also be donating 5,000 face masks this week.